
5 steps districts can take to prepare for a big financial reckoning

In September 2024, school districts will experience a financial reckoning not seen since the Great Recession: a perfect storm of declining enrollment, rising costs and the end of ESSER.

4 warning signs that students are struggling with mental health. And 4 solutions.

What can parents and educators do to provide extra support? Perhaps the most critical thing we can do is ask children, rather than telling them or trying to guess what's wrong.

3 keys to leading through the student mental health crisis

By prioritizing self-care, fostering collaboration, leveraging resources and continuously measuring and adapting to meet the needs of students, administrators can lead their schools through this difficult period.

How new CTE pathways are inspiring students to learn—and earn

Faced with rising enrollment, our rural district reconfigured electives as career and technical education pathways that put students on track for jobs in lucrative fields like computer science.

How multipurpose facilities are shaping the future of k-12 education

Multipurpose facilities support continuous student development and allow programs to be implemented exactly as they were designed to be.

From ‘me’ to ‘we’: Why strong board-superintendent relationships are important

When boards and superintendents work together, they can set clear goals and expectations for student achievement and ensure that all students have the support and resources they need to succeed.

How schools are using technology to turn challenges into opportunities

Many solutions involve technology that schools added during the pandemic and are now using to turn complex challenges into opportunities.

4 ways to harness the outsized impact of technology in high school

Many institutions have missed significant opportunities to utilize high school technology tools—often due to a lack of training, funding, infrastructure, or resources.

5 ways to bring your literacy framework back ‘down to earth’

When I joined Fort Worth ISD as its new chief academic officer in 2019, we needed to create a literacy framework and implement new curriculum and products to support it. 

3 reasons spring is a great time for student well-being screenings

Universal well-being screenings provide actionable data to address student needs, lower the risks of absenteeism, and implement broad interventions.

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